Paypal text and email scams are on the rise. Remember, never give out personal information or click a link without checking to make sure it’s legit. Keep your financial information safe!


Tools, tech, trust

Just because The Peoples Bank is a hometown bank that values relationships and personalized customer service, that doesn’t mean we don’t also prioritize tools and technology that make our customers’ lives better!


Scammers are constantly coming up with new tactics to steal your money and your identity. Follow these steps to stay safe or report fraud.


Financial Calculators

We proudly offer five financial calculators to help you estimate your savings, loan payments, home affordability, retirement and tuition.

Financial Calculators

Routing Number

The Peoples Bank’s routing number is 052100741. This nine-digit number is an electronic address for bank transactions within the United States.

Routing Number

Quicken & QuickBooks

Whether a business or an individual, Online Banking customers can export their transaction data to Quicken or QuickBooks for easier accounting.

Quicken & QuickBooks

Online Banking

With our Online Banking service, you can access your balances, transactions, and check images as well as pay your bills and other people — 24/7!

Online Banking

Mobile Banking

Use Mobile Banking to access your account information, review transactions, receive alerts, pay bills and make mobile deposits — anytime, anywhere.

Mobile Banking

Debit Cards

Our free, contactless debit cards can be issued instantly at any branch, and the cards can be used everywhere Mastercard® is accepted.

Debit Cards

Rates & Fees

Check back weekly to discover the current deposit rates for personal deposit accounts, business deposit accounts and consumer loans.

Rates & Fees


The friendly agents of Fleetwood Insurance Group and Bartlett, Griffin & Vermilye are dedicated to helping you choose the right insurance plans for you.


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